Exams With Sections (Three Configurations)
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 1)
2 - "Normal" User Experience (Config 1)
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Video Transcription
Now that I have published the exam with the configuration I want, I have logged in the system as Taylor Swift. So pretend that Ms. Swift has given up on her singing career and decided to become a certified Microsoft professional. She's going to start the exam. And notice that so far the exam experience is identical to a regular exam. The only difference is we clearly remind the user that they only have four minutes for each section. So we're going to start and the user will acknowledge the fact that they're about to start the exam. And at this point, you will see that as soon as the question loads, Taylor Swift will see that there is a countdown of how much time she has. And as she goes through the exam, the timer continues to count down. In addition, we do not allow the user to jump beyond the first section. This is to ensure that the user spends their entire time in one section. And when they move on to the next section, we want to make sure the user cannot go back. So here we go. We continue. And I'm just going to go through the first section. And in this video tutorial, what I will do is I will pretend that for the first section, Taylor Swift was able to finish the entire section very quickly before the time has run out. So here we go. So as you can see, when the user reached the end, the system will let the user know that this section has been completed, but she still has some time left. So the student is given a choice to proceed to the next section or review this section. So pretend that Taylor Swift says, hey, you know what, I will proceed to the next section. So now a timer is provided to Taylor Swift. So now Ms. Swift can run to the bathroom or grab some food or she can just say, hey, I'm going to go to the next section. So notice what she just did is she is giving up the time that is remaining in the break to go to the next section early. So remember, the time you allocated for each break is a ceiling where the user can use up to. The user does not have to use the entire allocated time during the break to go to the next section. So now this example, what I would do is I will use it. Go through example where Taylor Swift will not finish the section early. Instead, she's going to wait until the entire four minutes has been exhausted. And then in order to make this video tutorial shorter, I will pause the video and I'm going to resume the video right before the time is about to run out. OK, so now I have resumed the video, as you can see, I only have just a little bit less. There we go. So what I'm trying to show is when the user have selected one of the question without clicking on submit and the time runs out. You will see that we actually give the user the benefit of the doubt and save that selection because we don't want to punish the user for unable to click on the last submit at the last possible second. And we also want to show that the user get this prompt to say that the time has expired and we'll move on to the next screen, which is a break within 30 seconds. So that screen where the user is being blocked for 30 seconds is really just a way to let the user know they have to move on. The reason we have we are going to automatically move on to the next screen, which is the break, is in case the user have completely walked away from their computer. We essentially want the system to automatically progress through each section, each break and reach the end. So that's only in the extreme unlikely scenario where the user, for some reason, walked away from the exam, maybe because there's the emergency. Also, notice that the break is a fresh set of two minutes. So the users, any time user use in the previous break, any additional time the user did not use in the previous break has no bearing on how much break the user have in the next break. So as before, user could, if she want, start the next session before the break time runs out. But in this example, what I want to show is that the user will use up the entire break. So I'm going to pause the video for about 30 seconds. OK, I just resumed the video and noticed that the break is almost run out. At this point, notice that the user is being informed that they have used up all the break time. In addition, notice that we're going to automatically start the next section with a 30 second countdown. So in reality, the user actually get 30 extra seconds of break. But it's really just so that the user's experience does not feel so abrupt where as soon as the break ends, they get sent over. We want to just let the user know this is what's going to happen with a 30 second countdown and then the user will move. Now, I want to highlight that the question 20, I did not really submit, but I did pick the answer. Notice that the system does record the user's answer. That goes back to what I was saying earlier. The system does give user the benefit of the doubt to say if you have a question that you have selected the answer, but you forgot to click on submit when the time ran out. We will submit the answer because we don't want the user to have already made the selection, but the system flagged the question as unanswered. Because that experience will be unnatural and the user probably will call and complain. So we'll continue on with the section C, but notice that as the user answer each new block of question or new sections of questions, they cannot go back to previous sections simply because we have set up the exam that does not allow review for the previous section. So just keep that in mind. Now, what I will do in this example is I will once again finish the entire section before the due time, but I'm not going to actually move on to the next section. I will pretend to be a student who will actually review the questions I have answered. So there we go. So I'm going to say, no, no, no, I don't want to proceed. I want to review. So in this case, you can see that they can actually review the question. They can maybe change any answers that they have, right? And then when they are happy with what they have, they will be able to click on proceed. So keep in mind, if the user still have time left over, they definitely is allowed to review the questions before they proceed to the break. So over here, once again, it's the same break, and I would just quickly go through it. And notice that the user is officially done with three sections. Now, what I'm going to do is I'm going to pause the video and go through the entire exam as Taylor Swift. OK, so at this point, I have actually reached the very last question of the very last section. So I'm just going to submit it and I'm going to submit the whole exam and notice that I have failed. But that's OK, because the fact the user have failed the exam is irrelevant to what we're trying to do here. Now, notice that the user can review the exam. They can review the exam. So what you can do is you can also say because it's a high stake exam, even though it has a passing grade, I do not want the user to be able to review. So what you can do is you can navigate to the exam, click on advanced option. Click on edit and you can basically disable. Does not allow exam review and probably not even show the user which answer they get right, which question answer they get wrong. But we will still show the score. So that the when the user click on the exam detail, they actually don't know how they did, but they only see a score. So here, just the example of what a typical high stake exam looks like, where the exam sections exam questions are broken into sections with breaks. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker demonstrates the exam experience in a certification program. They pretend that Taylor Swift, who has given up her singing career to become a certified Microsoft professional, is taking the exam. The video shows how the timer counts down as Taylor Swift goes through the exam and how the system does not allow her to jump beyond the first section. After completing a section, she has the option to proceed to the next section or review the completed one. The video also highlights how the system saves selected answers when the time runs out and provides a break before the next section begins. The speaker emphasizes the importance of preventing users from reviewing previous sections in high-stakes exams.
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exam experience
certification program
Taylor Swift
timer countdown
system limitations
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